Cox Insurance has the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the right insurance options for your golf course – whether it’s a private, semi-private, or daily-fee golf facility.
We offer a full range of commercial insurance products so you can focus on your business without and distractions or interruptions. As a local, independent agency, we can tailor a plan that gives you the best protection and value.
The Basics:
Commercial General Liability Coverage to protect your business from liability expenses, including premises and operations, independent contractors, product liability and completed operations
Essential Property Coverage for buildings and personal property
Umbrella Coverage provides your business with additional security in the event of a catastrophic claim

Our business insurance team works with golf course owners to identify exposures and create custom risk management programs.
Key Golf Course Coverages:
These are just some of the coverages we consider when developing your custom insurance program. Contact us for a more comprehensive review of your individual needs!